"She was like a cheerful little flower amid a dry, solemn desert. Despite the drought, the sandstorms,

 she smiled merrily; and her roots grew stronger; stronger than ever."


"Scientists created a colossal device that could emit a special type of light beam. Hundreds of kilometers in diameter, the light beam converted air dust particles into water droplets. It helped the earthlings survive 'The Great Drought' of 10,000 AD, and eventually to terraform Mars and Venus as well."

             -The History of Earthlings by Insert ACool Name, 

                          23459 AD



"The most feared beasts in The Mathematical Forest of DOOM are the infamous DUCCs, who in the blink of an eye, can dissect any creature into cubes exactly √2 units of volume, with their mysterious weapon, an ethereal scythe whose name makes every survivor math-wizard shudder with fear: 'THE SQUARE ROOT FROM HELL', named after its peculiar shape that resembles a Square Root. Despite having existed for as long as human-kind can remember, their origin, weaknesses and the source of their terrifying abilities is nothing but a mystery. Some say they are Satan's ducclings, others say they come from a land far away from our plane of existence; a dimension where birds have mastered and learned to weaponize their life-form, through the perplexing art of Mathematics. If you are in the forest and encounter an extremely cute ducc, run away, little mathematician; that is of course if you do not wish to share the horrible fate of its victims."

