

  WHY IS NEPAL THE HAPPIEST COUNTRY IN SOUT H ASIA? I was actually surprised when UN placed Nepal at the 87th rank out of 149 countries in the World Happiness Report, defeating all other South Asian countries. Yes, according to the report Nepal is the happiest country in South Asia according to the rank with  Bangladesh at 94, Pakistan at 121, Sri Lanka at 127, India at 136 and Afghanistan at 146. However, the experts, and me myself, are skeptic. High inflation, poor governance, high corruption, unemployment. Yet Nepal ranked higher than all south Asian countries. Some sociologists believe respondents might have presented only the rosy sides. A section of Nepalis was quick to take to social media to celebrate Nepal’s ranking. But there were some voices questioning what actually makes Nepalis happy.   Apparently, the report is based on the responses of around 1,000 people from each country, irrespective of their population size. This simple fact about the survey makes it 100% unreliable
    RANDOM WORD ASSOCIATION (PART 1) FLOWER+WIND "She was like a cheerful little flower amid a dry, solemn desert. Despite the drought, the sandstorms,  she smiled merrily; and her roots grew stronger; stronger than ever." RAIN+LIGHT "Scientists created a colossal device that could emit a special type of light beam. Hundreds of kilometers in diameter, the light beam converted air dust particles into water droplets. It helped the earthlings survive 'The Great Drought' of 10,000 AD, and eventually to terraform Mars and Venus as well."               - The History of Earthlings by Insert ACool Name,                                 23459 AD                     DUCC+ROOT "The most feared beasts in The Mathematical Forest of DOOM are the infamous DUCCs, who in the blink of an eye, can dissect any creature into cubes exactly √2 units of volume, with their mysterious weapon, an ethereal scythe whose name makes every survivor math-wizard shudd
                                                                    MY HOBBY I am a speedcuber. If you don't know what that means, its a person who tries to solve the Rubik's cube (and its other variations) as quickly as possible. I have been cubing for over a year and a half and I am decently fast at solving the 3x3 cube. My personal best time is around 17 seconds. However, what I really shine at is solving the 3x3 cube blindfolded. I learned 3x3 blindfolded (3-bld in short) a year ago. I can memorize the positions of the pieces on a scrambled cube in around 15-20 seconds and I can solve it in about 20-30 seconds. Currently there are only 15 cubers in Nepal who can do 3-bld and I am proud to say that I am the fastest. One of my dreams is to become world-class at 3-bld. Its also a good skill to impress people. Everyone should have a hobby.